TB Spine Surgery

TB Spine Surgery
Tuberculosis can be liable for widespread spinal injuries. Despite the usefulness of medical treatment, surgery is designated to avoid or correct vital deformity, treat spinal volatility, prevent neurological compromise, and to get rid of an extensive tuberculosis abscess.
Patients with spinal tuberculosis generally present with pain in the back. In addition, fever, inexplicable extreme weight loss and loss of appetite may also be present in some patients. Spinal cord involvement may be indicate by inequality or inelegance while walking or frank paralysis.
A comprehensive clinical examination by the best tb spine surgery specialist involves assessment of spinal motion, assessment of your neurology and definite special tests will allow to more narrowing down the causes to 2-3 most probable ones.
Dr. Sonal is a spinal tuberculosis specialist in delhi offer state-of-the-art medical facilities and give excellent recovery from spinal tuberculosis. Our TB spine treatment aims at removing the disease and prevents or cares for neurologic deficits and spinal abnormality.
Best spinal tuberculosis treatment in india includes common supportive measures that contain prolonged, complete bed rest, external refreshing, nutritious diet, vitamins, calcium supplementation as required, care of bladder, bowels, good nursing care is very essential.
You can find best tb spine surgeon in delhi who are proficient to carry out debridement and decompression in all cases, irrespective of neurological involvement.